Tuesday 4 November 2014

Week 12 (during the scenario selection)

Terry did say we don't really need to blog during this week, as overall there were only 3 posts necessary for this month. But I found out so much interesting stuff when I was researching for the scenario I have chosen, that I wanted to put it here (as I can't really put it in our theoretical plan). I have chosen scenario one - setting up a new book club as a particular branch within a library, with certain required documents :
A planning document
A report on the success/failure (god forbid)
I don't know if this was cheating, but I worked back to front - I pretended (to myself) that I had been the book club coordinator, and listed the steps I followed to set it up. Then I realised that it didn't really look like a planning document, it was too specific - for example I mentioned a 30 November cut off date, how many respondents we received, etc. Which you can't really put into a planning document.........anyway, maybe I made more work for myself but that was how I managed to create the planning stage. As none of it was real, the method could still work - bottom up is how Michele puts it, when we speak about Gantt charts and design briefs.
Anyway, some of the cool facts/stuff I found is here :

Central Highlands libraries bookclub has over 110 clubs, a waiting list – and the waiting list is closed. They have 216 book sets (makes for a great selection), 10 books per set.

Albury city library has 10 types of book clubs.

How great is this? Victoria Library (Canada) . They actually lend out the book club sets - unfortunately it's in Canada, but there are several schemes running in Australia too.

AND (sorry, but I really enjoy all of this) look here : Melbourne book clubs there are so many interesting and varied clubs operating - there's bound to be something for everyone here, with a Cult Fiction book club, a 3rd Wednesday book club, etc . Plus there are also reading circles, where members bring and discuss books of their own choice. Which reminds me, my book club meeting is this Wednesday night - and for once I have already finished the book, no last minute skimming required.

There is so much going on there - now that would require lots of planning!
We were given time in class today, once the noise had settled down to a dull roar, to continue on with this task, as it is a major assessment task. We were given the option of working in pairs, but I prefer to work on my own. 

Hopefully by this time next week, I will have my assignment ready to hand in. 


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